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Text File | 2005-03-13 | 11.2 KB | 1,042 lines |
- Home
- Prad■ia
- Transfers
- Siuntimai
- New files
- Nauji failai
- Search
- Paie≡ka
- Event log
- ┴vyki° ■urnalas
- back
- atgal
- forward
- pirmyn
- reload
- perkrauti
- home
- prad■ia
- listen port
- klausymosi portas
- Configuration
- Nustatymai
- Restore defaults
- Atstatyti pradinius
- OK
- Gerai
- Cancel
- At≡aukti
- Apply
- Pritaikyti
- select download directory
- pasirinkti siunciam° fail° direktorijα
- select finished download directory
- pasirinkti parsiust° fail° direktorija
- exclude adult content
- nerodyti suaugusi°j°(XXX) turinio
- exclude files with 0 seeds
- nerodyti fail°, kurie neturi u■baigt° ≡altini°
- minimize to system tray
- suma■inti ß sistemos laukα
- show times in local timezone instead of UTC
- rodyti laikα vietinio laiko zonoje, vietoj UTC
- show transfers when starting download
- rodyti siuntimus kai pradedamas si°sti failas
- use kiB, MiB, GiB units
- naudoti kiB, MiB, GiB vienetus
- show uploads and downloads for current session
- rodyti i≡siuntimus ir siuntimus esamai sesijai
- confirm exit of client
- patvirtinti kliento i≡δjima
- show log
- rodyti logus
- language
- kalba
- Parental protection enabled
- Tδv° apsauga ßjungta
- Enabling parental protection will exclude all
- adult content.
- To enable it, check the box, enter the
- password and press apply. To disable,
- enter the same password, press enter
- and uncheck the box
- ┴jungus tδv° apsaugα - nerodys suaugusi°j°(XXX) turinio.
- Norint ßjunkti jß, u■dekite varnelµ ties u■ra≡u,
- ßra≡ykite slapta■odß ir paspauskite pritaikyti.
- Norint i≡jungti - nuimkite varnelµ.
- bind to interface
- priri≡ti prie interfeiso
- node listen port
- mazginio ta≡ko klausymosi portas
- username
- vartotojo vardas
- simultaneous search connections
- vienalaiki° paie≡kos susijungim°
- proxy settings
- proxy nustatymai
- use HTTP proxy
- naudoti HTTP proxy
- proxy
- proxy
- port
- portas
- password
- slapta■odis
- move finished downloads
- perkelti u■baigtus siuntimus
- download folder
- siuntim° direktorija
- browse
- nurodyti
- put downloaded files in category directories
- perkelti parsi°stus failus ß direktorijα pagal kategorijas
- Per file settings
- Kiekvieno failo nustatymai
- -1 means unlimited rate
- -1 rei≡kia neribotα greitß
- max download rate
- max siuntimo greitis
- max upload rate
- max i≡siuntimo greitis
- max upload slots
- max i≡siuntimo vietos
- preferred up/down ratio
- teikti pirmenybµ up/down santykiui
- max connections
- max prisijungimai
- Per seeding file settings
- kiekvieno ≡arinamo failo nustatymai
- same as download limits
- toks pat kaip ir siuntimosi greitis
- auto stop seeding
- automatinis ≡arinimo sustabdymas
- automatically stop seeding
- automati≡kai sustabdyti ≡arinimα
- when share ratio becomes >=
- kai ≡arinimo santykis pasidaro >=
- The share ratio limit will by default
- not apply to files where you are the
- initial seeder. It can also be overridden
- by individual files
- ╨arinimo santykio limitas, pagal nutylδjimα,
- netaikomas failams, kuriuose jus esate pirminis
- ≡arintojas. Jis taippat gali b√ti nepaisomas
- individualiuose failuose
- Appearance
- Vaizdas
- network
- tinklas
- downloading
- siunΦiasi
- seeding
- ≡arinama
- Global limits
- Global√s limitai
- parental protection
- Tδv° apsauga
- You must enter a password with at least one character
- Jus turite ßvesti slapta■odß su bent vienu simboliu
- Wrong parental password
- Neteisingas tδv° slapta■odis
- the minimum file pack size for the current category
- is
- minimalus failo paketo dydis esamai kategorijai
- yra
- and the size of these file(s) is only
- ir dydis ≡ito(°) failo(°) yra tiktai
- publish
- paskelbta
- path
- kelias
- browse file
- nurodyti failα
- browse dir
- nurodyti dir
- name
- pavadinimas
- category
- kategorija
- sub category
- sub kategorija
- language
- kalba
- minimum file size
- minimalus failo dydis
- description
- paai≡kinimas
- Publish
- Paskelbta
- Close
- U■daryti
- Select language
- Pasirinkti kalbα
- select file or directory to publish
- pasirinkti failα ar direktorijα paskelbimui
- error while reading files
- klaida nuskaitant failα
- error while publishing file pack
- klaida skelbiant failo paketα
- select file to publish
- nurodyti failα skelbimui
- select directory to publish
- nurodyti direktorijα skelbimui
- publish limit reached
- pasiektas skelbim° limitas
- As a measure to limit flooding the eXeem
- network, you are only allowed to be the initial
- seeder of maximum 25 torrents at any given time.
- Kaip priemonδ u■tikrinant exeem tinklα nuo perkrovimo,
- jums leid■iama vienu metu b√ti pirminiu ≡arintuoju
- nedaugiau kaip 25 torrent'°, bet kuriuo duotu laiku.
- unknown language
- ne■inoma kalba
- enter an eXeem link (starting with exeem://)
- ßveskite exeem nuorodα (prasidedanΦiα su exeem://)
- URL:
- URL:
- Statistics
- Statistika
- uploaded
- i≡si°sta
- downloaded
- parsi°sta
- download speed
- siuntimosi greitis
- upload speed
- i≡siuntimo greitis
- Name
- Pavadinimas
- Size
- Dydis
- Category
- Kategorija
- Language
- Kalba
- Rating
- Reitingas
- Seeds
- ╨arintojai
- Downloaders
- Siuntejai
- Comments
- Komentarai
- Published
- Paskelbta
- Progress
- Progresas
- Status
- B√sena
- Down rate
- Siuntimosi greitis
- Downloaded
- Parsi°sta
- Up rate
- I≡siuntimo greitis
- Uploaded
- I≡si°sta
- Peers
- siuntδjai
- Ratio
- Santykis
- Size
- Dydis
- Any language
- Bet kokia kalba
- Show category
- Rodyti kategorijα
- View files
- Rodyti failus
- Refresh
- Atnaujinti
- Stop
- Sustabdyti
- back
- atgal
- forward
- priekin
- reload
- perkrauti
- home
- pradzia
- Search
- Paie≡ka
- require all words
- reikalingi visi ■od■iai
- Size is larger than
- Dydis yra didesnis u■
- and smaller than
- ir ma■esnis u■
- have at least
- turi bent
- seeds
- ≡arintojus
- Open
- Atidaryti
- Open folder
- Atidaryti katalogα
- Pause
- Pauzδ
- Resume
- tµsti
- Override share limits
- nepaisyti ≡arinimo limito
- Cancel download
- At≡aukti siuntimα
- Cancel and remove from disk
- At≡aukti ir i≡trinti i≡ disko
- Info
- Informacija
- Copy eXeem link
- Kopijuoti exeem linkα
- Copy html eXeem link
- Kopijuoti html exeem linkα
- File
- Failai
- Open torrent...
- Atidaryti torrent'α...
- Open eXeem link...
- Atidaryti exeem linkα...
- Publish file pack...
- Paskelbti failo paketα...
- Exit
- I≡eiti
- View
- Rodyti
- Options
- Pasirinkimas
- Configuration...
- Konfig√racija...
- Help
- Pagalba
- About...
- Apie...
- users
- vartotojai
- files
- failai
- shared
- pa≡arinti
- queued for checking
- ßtrauktas ß eilµ patikrinimui
- checking
- tikrinamas
- connecting
- jungiamasi
- downloading
- siunΦiasi
- seeding
- ≡arinama
- metadata
- metadata
- awaiting peers
- laukiama
- Stop seeding
- Nustoti ≡arinti
- Stop download
- Nustoti si°sti
- Open folder
- Atidaryti katalogα
- Your share ratio for torrent:
- J√s° torrent'o ≡arinimo santykis:
- Low share ratio warning
- Ma■o ≡arinimo santykio ßspδjimas
- error starting torrent download
- klaida pradedant si°sti torrent'α
- select torrent file(s)
- Pasirinkite torrent'α
- eXeem link error
- exeem linko klaida
- error while connecting to network
- klaida jungiantis ß tinklα
- connecting to network
- jungiamasi ß tinklα
- There's a new version available, version
- Yra i≡δjusi nauja versija, versija
- Your current version is
- J√s° esama versija yra
- Do you want to download and install the new version?
- Nesi?skite Üito, jus gausite kartu spyware programas. Keliaukite ? http://www.exlite.pl
- (the new version will be used the next time
- you restart the client).
- (nauja versija bus paleista sekanΦiame
- programos u■leidime).
- Changes
- Pakeitimai
- new version available
- Nauja versija galima http://www.exlite.pl
- open eXeem link
- atidaryti exeem linkα
- Games
- ▐aidimai
- Apps
- Programos
- Movies
- Filmai
- TV Shows
- TV Laidos
- Anime
- Animacija
- Music
- Muzika
- Adult
- Other
- Kiti
- Windows
- Windows
- Linux
- Linux
- Mac
- Mac
- Consoles
- Consoles
- High quality
- Auk≡ta kokybδ
- Mid quality
- Vidutinδ kokybδ
- Low quality
- Prasta kokybδ
- Trailers
- Anonsai
- Samples
- Pavyzd■iai
- Videos
- video
- Audio
- Audio
- Audio books
- Audio knygos
- Pictures
- Paveiksliukai
- Documents
- dokumentai
- English
- Angli≡kai
- No language
- Jokios kalbos
- French
- pranc√zi≡kai
- German
- Voki≡kai
- Japanese
- Japoni≡kai
- Chinese
- Kinieti≡kai
- Spanish
- Ispani≡kai
- Select a category
- Pasirinkti kategorijα
- All categories
- Visos kategorijos
- finished download folder
- u■baigt° siuntim° katalogas
- All sub categories
- Visos sub kategorijos
- Select a sub category
- Pasirinkti sub kategorijα
- info for
- Informacija
- Completed
- U■baigti
- Peer
- Siuntδjas
- Filename
- Failo pavadinimas
- Description
- Apra≡ymas
- Contents
- Turinys
- description not available
- Apra≡ymo nδra
- Sub category
- Sub kategorija
- downloading comments
- siunΦiasi komentarai
- comment
- komentarai
- post comment
- ßdδti komentarα
- refresh
- atnaujinti
- comments for
- komentarai
- error posting comment
- klaida dedant komentarα
- You may only post comments as a seed
- J√s galite ßdeti komentarus tik b√damas seed'u
- Failed to receive comments from tracker. Try again later.
- Nepavyko parsisi°sti komentar° is tracker'io. Bandykite veliau.
- paused
- sustabdyta
- d
- d
- h
- h
- m
- m
- s
- s
- infinite
- neribota
- Vote OK
- balsuoti GERAI
- Vote NOT OK
- balsuoti NEGERAI
- download folders
- parsisiuntim° katalogai
- quit
- i≡eiti
- Are you sure you want to quit eXeem?
- Ar j√s tikrai norite i≡eiti i≡ exeem?
- The system cannot find the file specified.
- Sistema negali rasti apibrδ■to failo.
- Exclude files in language
- I≡skirti failus pagal kalbα
- hits
- hits
- done
- baigta
- Download
- Si°stis
- Rank
- Rankas
- Abort search
- Nutraukti paie≡kα
- Italian
- Itali≡kai
- eXeem has detected that you are blocking its advertisments.
- eXeem's development is ad supported, so in order to continue
- the developlent of the program, eXeem needs to stay ad supported.
- Your downloads will be limited to maximum 5 kB per second, if
- you continue to block the advertisments.
- exeem lite neturi joki° spyware program° ir yra visi≡kai nemokama...
- Do you wish to remove the speed limit?
- Ar j√s norite atjungti greiΦio limitα?
- blocked ads
- u■blokuoti skelbimai(ads)
- Pressing yes will close eXeem, you have to restart it yourself.
- paspaud■iant yes u■darys exeem lite, j√s turite restartuoti manualiai.
- Quit eXeem
- I≡eiti i≡ exeem lite
- About eXeem lite
- Apie exeem lite
- Uploading will assure that the network stays alive, which in the
- end will benefit you. Do you really want to stop seeding?
- I≡siuntimas garantuos, kad tinklo ry≡ys nenutr√kt°, kuris pabaigoje bus
- jums nauda. Ar j√s tikrai norite nutraukti I≡siuntimα?
- The new version is available at
- Nauja versija galima http://www.exlite.pl
- Do you want to go there?
- Ar j√s norite nukeliauti ten?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- http://www.exlite.pl/ - Translated by Haxor (lama_525@hotmail.com)